West Orange-Stark Elementary Home

It's National Assistant Principal Week! W.OS.E. Appreciates You!

W.O.S.E. Tall Tale Winners!

W.O.S.E. Spirit Day Cuteness!

She's a Western Barbie Girl on Barbie Day!

Barbie Twins on Barbie Day!

Career Day at W.O.S.E. When I Grow Up I Want to be a Policeman!

Career Day at W.O.S.E.! When I Grow Up I Want to Be a Nurse!

Career Day at W.O.S.E. When grow up I want to be a chef!

Best Crazy Hair and Cute Too!

Double Trouble! Mustang Pride and Dot Day Celebrations!

Dots can be big or small, we love them all! Happy Dot Day!

Crazy Hair, We Don't Care! We Are Making it to School Every Day!

Crazy Hair Day!

Crazy Hair Day!

Crazy Hair Day!

We are all tied up getting our Education at the "E"!

Good Morning Greetings on Hat Day!

Mendoza's Mustache Friends!

Ms. Pacheco's friends are having a Marvelous Mustache Monday!

Girls wear hats because they are cool like that!

It's Hat Day at W.O.S.E.!

It's Mustache Monday!

Drug Awareness 2022

W.O.S.E.-Westerm Day!

W.O.S.E. Career Day! An artist, doctor, nurse and a teacher.
4th Grade Mardi Gras Fun at W.O.S.E.

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