WOSE Celebrates National Children's Book Week Nov 4-8

WOSE Celebrates National Children’s Book Week      

November 4-8, 2024!      


   Our dress-up days include:

  1. Monday, Nov. 4-Get tied up in a good book. Wear something tie-dyed. 
  2. Tuesday, Nov. 5-VOTE for Reading! Wear red, white, and blue. 
  3. Wednesday, Nov. 6-WORDY Wednesday: Wear something with letters or words on it or a college shirt.
  4. Thursday, Nov. 7-Book Character Day! Dress as your favorite book character. 
  5. Friday, Nov. 8-Lasso a good book to read! Wear something western or a Mustang spirit shirt.

Family Literacy Night for West Orange-Stark Elementary

Thursday Night, November 7 (4:30 pm-6:30 pm)

  1. The Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the library.
  2. Local author Tricia Stroud will read Oliver Orange on the Sabine River in the amphitheater at 5:00, 5:30, and 6:00. Books will be available for purchase and can be autographed. 
  3. There will be various reading games and activities for students to enjoy.
  4. Students attending will receive extra credit in reading.

Other activities during the week at WOSE include:

Poetry Contest Grades 1st-5th!  Poems must follow the theme: No Rules. Just Read. Poems are due by Thursday, November 7.  Kindergarten students will have a coloring contest. 

DEAR-Drop Everything And Read every day for 20 minutes. (7:40 am-8:00 am) Parents are encouraged to have 20 minutes of DEAR time each day at home all year.