Cynthia Weeks » Mrs. Weeks' 3rd Grade

Mrs. Weeks' 3rd Grade

"Education is the foundation upon which we build our future."
                              -Christine Gregoire
Hello and welcome to the launch of an incredible school year. Our mission is to learn and grow far beyond the walls of the classroom/building. Each student brings unique interests, skills and passions to our class. I firmly believe that we can experience and accomplish the most within a supportive, caring classroom community.
I value open lines of communication with you concerning the academic achievements and struggles that your child may experience. If I have any concerns, I will contact you immediately. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me as soon as possible. By working together, your child will have the greatest opportunity for success.
I look forward to learning with you and your child as we blast off into a new learning adventure.
I can be contacted at [email protected]